フィアット・クライスラー・オートモビルズ(FCA)の新FRプラットフォームをベースとしたアルファロメオブランドのSUVがこの「ステルビオ」だ。同門ブランドのマセラティがリリースしたプレミアムSUVのレヴァンテとは異なり、こちらはそれをベースに全長/全幅を短縮したミディアムサイズとなる(BMW X3やアウディQ5などと競合)。この年末にはお披露目される予定のはずだが、画像ではまだコテコテの擬装に覆われている。それでもリアウインドーの傾斜は強めで、スポーティなテイストであることは見て取れる。全体的なフォルムはレヴァンテのそれを短くしてアルファ顔を付けたような(?)雰囲気になるだろう。
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K