2017年にデビューする予定のBMW Z5の続報。といってもスタイル命のロードスターだから、相変わらずヘビーな擬装ですべてのキャラクターラインを隠しているので、カタチについて新たなコメントはできない。トヨタとプラットフォームを共有するという話題で有名になったが、確かに生産台数的にみても、スポーツカー用プラットフォームを専用に1車型作るよりお互いに経済合理性がある。
メカニズムについては以前の記事「【スクープ】スープラ兄弟車のBMW Z5は最新プラットフォームで登場!」に詳しいので、こちらを併せてご覧いただきたい。
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Text:Makoto TAKEHIRA Photo:Apollo News Service
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K