次期パナメーラの、ほぼカモフラージュがとれた姿がスクープされた。前回のリポート「新型ポルシェ・パナメーラ続報! このスッピンのフロントマスクを見よ!」で擬装の下のカタチをイメージしつつ書いたデザイン的な特徴は、ほぼ予想通りだった。空力面の洗練が進んだことは言うまでもないが、とりわけフロントフェンダー後方に配置され、前ドアのリセスへと続くエアブリーダーは、新型パナメーラのサイドビューを新鮮に見せる。
今回撮影された2台はこの秋パリサロンでデビュー予定のベースモデルであるV6と、来年のジュネーブあたりと目される4.0リッターの新型V8ターボ搭載車(鮮やかなブルー塗色の方)だとされる。となると大排気量の自然吸気V8モデルはどうなるのか? ということが気になる。世は過給の時代だが、911にGT3があるように、パナメーラユーザーにとってもそういうテイスト(つまりGTS)という選択肢は大切だと思う。
- Text:Makoto TAKEHIRA Photo:Apollo News Service
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars – This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature og 6500°K