BMWのコンパクトモデル、「2シリーズ」の派生モデルとなる5ドア「2シリーズ グランクーペ」を豪雪のスカンジナビアでカメラが捉えた。
雪上をパワフルに激走する開発車両は、20インチの大径ホイール、ブルーブレーキキャリパー、「X3 M40i」と同タイプの台形デュアルエキゾーストパイプ、コンパクトなダックテールスポイラーを装着しており、高性能「M240i Mパフォーマンス」または、「M235i xDrive Gran Coupe」の可能性が高い。
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
- Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K